What is the protection rating of IP55?

Author: May

Mar. 15, 2024


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The protection rating of IP55 is defined as follows: IP55 stands for Ingress Protection rating 55, which indicates that the device has a protection level of 5 against solid objects and a protection level of 5 against water. .

Solid objects protection is rated on a scale of 0-6, with 0 meaning no protection and 6 meaning complete protection against dust. A rating of 5 means the device is protected against dust, but not completely dust-tight. Water protection is rated on a scale of 0-8, with 0 meaning no protection and 8 meaning the device can be submerged in water for long periods of time. A rating of 5 means the device is protected against low pressure water jets from all directions, but not immersion.

What is the protection rating of IP55?

The IP55 rating is commonly found on outdoor electrical enclosures, outdoor lighting fixtures, and some consumer electronics. This rating ensures that the device is protected against dust ingress and low pressure water jets, making it suitable for use in outdoor environments where exposure to dust and water is a concern.

In conclusion, the IP55 rating provides a standardized way to communicate the level of protection a device has against solids and liquids. This information is crucial for consumers to make informed decisions about where and how to use a particular device. By understanding the IP rating system, consumers can choose the right product for their specific needs and ensure it will perform reliably in the intended environment. So next time you see an IP55 rating on a product, you'll know exactly what level of protection it provides.

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