What is the CAS number 103 90 2?

Author: May

Feb. 24, 2024


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CAS number 103 90 2 belongs to a chemical compound known as acetaldehyde. This compound is widely used in various industries for different purposes. Let's dive deeper into what acetaldehyde is and its uses.

What is acetaldehyde?

What is the CAS number 103 90 2?

Acetaldehyde is a colorless, flammable liquid with a pungent odor. It is also known as ethanal and is classified as an aldehyde. This compound is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and alcoholic beverages. However, most of the acetaldehyde used in industries is synthetically produced.

1. Uses of acetaldehyde.

Acetaldehyde has a wide range of applications in various industries due to its unique properties. Here are some common uses of acetaldehyde:

- Production of chemicals: Acetaldehyde is used as a precursor in the production of various chemicals such as acetic acid, pentaerythritol, and acetate esters.

- Food and beverage industry: Acetaldehyde is used as a flavoring agent in certain foods and beverages. It is often added to fruit juices and candies to enhance their flavor.

- Medical applications: Acetaldehyde is used in certain medical treatments and as a disinfectant due to its antimicrobial properties.

- Plastics and synthetic materials: Acetaldehyde is used in the production of plastics, synthetic fibers, and resins. It helps in the polymerization process and improves the properties of these materials.

2. Safety considerations.

While acetaldehyde has many benefits, it is important to handle this compound with caution due to its flammable nature and potential health hazards. Exposure to high concentrations of acetaldehyde can cause respiratory irritation, headaches, and dizziness. It is important to use proper protective equipment and follow safety guidelines when working with acetaldehyde.

3. Contact us for more information.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of acetaldehyde or have any questions about this compound, feel free to contact us. Our team of experts is here to assist you with your inquiries and provide you with the information you need. We ensure high-quality products and exceptional customer service to meet your needs.

In conclusion, CAS number 103 90 2 corresponds to acetaldehyde, a versatile compound used in various industries for different purposes. From the production of chemicals to its applications in the food and beverage industry, acetaldehyde plays a crucial role in numerous processes. However, it is essential to handle acetaldehyde with caution due to its potential health hazards and flammability. If you are interested in learning more about acetaldehyde or looking for a reliable supplier, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and provide you with the information you need.

Contact us for more information on acetaldehyde and its uses. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with your inquiries and help you find the right supplier for your needs.

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