What is CAS 288573 56 8 used for?

Author: becky

Mar. 15, 2024


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If you've stumbled upon the CAS number 288573-56-8 and are wondering what it's used for, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll dive into the details of this chemical compound and its various applications.

What is CAS 288573-56-8?

What is CAS 288573 56 8 used for?

CAS 288573-56-8 is a numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service to a specific chemical compound. This particular CAS number corresponds to a substance known as ethyl 2-(1-(4-fluorophenyl)-2,5-dimethyl-1H-imidazol-4-yl)acetate. .

This compound falls under the category of organic chemicals and is used in a variety of industries for different purposes.

Application of CAS 288573-56-8.

1. Pharmaceutical Industry.

One of the primary applications of CAS 288573-56-8 is in the pharmaceutical industry. This chemical compound is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various pharmaceutical products. It plays a crucial role in the manufacture of medications that treat a wide range of medical conditions.

2. Research and Development.

CAS 288573-56-8 is also utilized in research and development activities. Scientists and researchers use this compound to study its properties and potential applications in different fields. Its unique chemical structure makes it a valuable asset in experimental studies.

3. Agrochemicals Sector.

Another important use of CAS 288573-56-8 is in the agrochemicals sector. This compound is incorporated into the formulation of pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural chemicals. It helps in enhancing the effectiveness of these products in protecting crops from pests and diseases.

4. Chemical Manufacturing.

CAS 288573-56-8 is employed in the manufacturing of various chemical products. Its versatile nature makes it a valuable ingredient in the production of specialty chemicals used in different industries. It serves as a building block for creating complex compounds with specific characteristics.

5. Other Applications.

Apart from the aforementioned industries, CAS 288573-56-8 may also find applications in other sectors such as cosmetics, personal care products, and specialty coatings. Its diverse usage makes it a versatile compound with a wide range of potential benefits.


In conclusion, CAS 288573-56-8 is a chemical compound with multiple uses across different industries. From pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals, this substance plays a vital role in various applications. Its unique properties and versatile nature make it a valuable component in the production of numerous products.

If you have any further questions about CAS 288573-56-8 or are looking for a reliable supplier of this compound, feel free to contact us. Our team of experts will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have. Thank you for reading!

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